Mini biography before joining Leeds (dates are approximate):
Selected publications (a full list of publications is here):
- Koppen V, Faria Martins J,
P: Exactly solvable models for 2+1D topological phases derived from crossed modules of semisimple Hopf algebras. To appear in Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
- Faria Martins J, Frank W Nijhoff, Daniel Riccombeni Darboux-Kadomtsev-Petviashvili system as an integrable Chern-Simons multiform theory in infinite dimensional space
. Physical Review D 109, L021701. Preliminary version.
- Torzewska
F, Faria Martins J,
P: Motion groupoids and mapping class groupoids. . Communications in Mathematical Physics 402, 1621–1705 (2023). Preliminary version.
- Damiani C, Martin
P, and Faria Martins J:
On a canonical lift of Artin's representation to loop braid groups,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra Volume 225, Issue 12, December 2021, 106760.
Postprint version.
- Bullivant A, Martin
P, and Faria Martins J:
Representations of the Loop Braid Group and Aharonov-Bohm like effects in discrete (3+1)-dimensional higher gauge theory. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Volume 23 (2019)
Number 7, Pages: 1685--1769. Postprint version. Arxiv version arXiv:1807.09551 [math-ph].
- Bullivant A, Calçada M, Kádár Z, Martin P, and Faria Martins J: Higher lattices, discrete two-dimensional holonomy and topological phases in (3+1) D with higher gauge symmetry. Reviews in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 04, 2050011 (2020) | Research Paper. Postprint version. Earlier version (arXiv:1702.00868 [math-ph]).
- Cirio L.S., Faria Martins J. Categorifying the $sl(2,C)$ Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Connection via an
Infinitesimal 2-Yang-Baxter Operator in the String Lie-2-Algebra. Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. Volume 21 (2017)
Number 1, Pages: 147 - 229
Preliminary version.
- Faria Martins J.: Crossed modules of Hopf algebras and of associative algebras and two-dimensional holonomy. Journal of Geometry and Physics
Volume 99, January 2016, Pages 68-110. Preliminary version.
- Cirio L.S, Faria Martins J.:
Infinitesimal 2-braidings and differential crossed modules,
Advances in Mathematics,
Volume 277, 4 June 2015, Pages 426-491. Preliminary version.
- Cirio L.S, Faria Martins J.:
Categorifying the Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov connection:
Lucio Simone Cirio, Differential Geometry and its Applications, Volume 30, Issue 3, June 2012, Pages 238–261. Preliminary version.
- Gohla B.; Faria Martins J.:
Pointed homotopy and pointed lax homotopy of 2-crossed module maps, Advances in Mathematics
Volume 248, 25 November 2013, Pages 986-1049. Preliminary version. Very preliminary version (results proved in a different way).
- Faria Martins J, Mikovic A. :Lie crossed modules and
gauge-invariant actions for 2-BF theories, Advances
in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Volume 15, Number 4 (August 2011) p.1059-1084.
Preliminary version
- Faria Martins J, Picken R..: Surface
Holonomy for Non-Abelian 2-Bundles via Double Groupoids,
in Mathematics
226, Issue 4, 1 March 2011, Pages 3309-3366.
Very preliminary version (the title is different from the published version).
- Faria Martins J, Picken R..: The
fundamental Gray 3-groupoid of a smooth manifold and local
3-dimensional holonomy based on a 2-crossed module, Differential
Geometry and its Applications Volume
29, Issue 2, March 2011, Pages 179-206. Very preliminary version (it contains more materials than the published version).
- Faria Martins J., Picken R..On
Two-Dimensional Holonomy, Transactions of the
American Mathematical Society, 362 (2010), 5657-5695.
- Faria Martins J.: The
Fundamental Crossed Module of the Complement of a Knotted Surface.
Transactions of the American
Mathematical Society. 361 (2009), 4593-4630.
- Faria Martins J., Kauffman L.H.: Invariants
of Welded Virtual Knots Via Crossed Module Invariants of Knotted
Surfaces, Compositio
Mathematica. Volume 144, Issue 04, July 2008, pp
- Faria Martins J, Mikovic A.: Invariants
of Spin Networks Embedded in Three-Manifolds, Communications
in Mathematical Physics, Volume 279, Number 2/ Abril
2008, pages 381-399.
- Faria Martins J, Porter T : On
Yetter's Invariant and an Extension of the Dijkgraaf-Witten Invariant
to Categorical Groups, Theory and
Application of Categories, Vol. 18, 2007, No. 4, pp 118-150.
Some selected talk videos
- A Lagrange multiform for the Darboux-KP system derived from infinite dimensional Chern-Simons theory Invited talk at: Lagrangian Multiform Theory and Pluri-Lagrangian Systems (23w5043) Hangzhou, China, October 22 to October 27, 2023.
- A once-extended TQFT categorifying Quinn's finite total homotopy. Invited talk at Emergent Geometries from Strings and Quantum Fields/ Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics. (Florence) Jun 12, 2023 - Jul 28, 2023.
- Quinn Finite Total Homotopy TQFT as a once-extended TQFT
Geometry, Topology, and Physics (GTP) Seminar,
Center for Quantum and Topological Systems, NYU Abu Dhabi. Slides. 29/03/2023.
- Quinn Finite Total Homotopy TQFT as a once-extended TQFT. Topological Quantum Field Theory Club (Lisbon). Slides. 24/09/2021, Friday, 17:00.
- Crossed modules, homotopy 2-types, knotted surfaces and welded knots. Topological Quantum Field Theory Club (Lisbon). Slides. 30/10/2020, Friday, 17:00.
Some selected talk slides
Participation in some grant projects of FCT (Portugal):