Sample HTML file: produced with lwarp, with mathematical formulae displayed with MathJax, and xymatrix commutative diagrams displayed with XyJax-v3

4 More general notes

  • pdf and HTML automatically coexist: here is the pdf version of this HTML file Sample_Lwarp_Xy-jax.pdf

  • • It is possible to split an HTML page into sub-pages: credit Instructions can be seen in the source latex file of this HTML file Sample_Lwarp_Xy-jax.tex.

  • • Additions are required in the .tex file in order that MathJax displays commands, macros and definitions correctly. E.g. write:

    \def \Mon {{\mathbf{Mon}}}

    and then:

      \CustomizeMathJax{\def \Mon {{\mathbf{Mon}}}}

    This means that you can use slightly different versions of commands for pdf and for html.

  • • If using Xy-pic diagrams (if displayed as Xy-jax) put in the preamble of the tex file:


    You will also need this configuration file: lwarp-with-Xy-jax_v3.txt. (Explanation is in Section 1.)

  • • Sample use of Xy-pic compatible with lwarp (so that the resulting xymatrix code is readable by Xy-Jax): E.g.:

    && \Q\\ & \Q(\w) \ar@{<-}[ur] \\
    & & \Q(\g)\ar@{<-}[uu] & \Q(\b)\ar@{<-}[uul] & \Q(\a)\ar@{<-}[uull]\\
    &&\Q(\a,\b,\g)\ar@{<-}[uul]\ar@{<-}[u] \ar@{<-}[ur] \ar@{<-}[urr]


    &S_3 \ar@{^{(}->}[r]^f \ar[dr]_{g}^{\cong} &S_4 \ar@{->>}[d]^\pi
    \\ &&S_4/V,
  • • Figures, with alternative text, can be included like this:

    \includegraphics[width = 0.4\textwidth,
    alt={Type your alternative text here}]{Stasheff.png}

    (This figure shows Stasheff’s Polytope.           The top face is a pentagon, the bottom face is a pentagon ...)

  • • Figures, including tikz and tikz-cd figures, can be compiled as figures with Alt Text. (The same option is also available for xymatrix diagrams, and may be preferable to Xy-Jaxv3, in the cases when it is sensible to provide a comprehensive alternative text to the figure/diagram, instead of relying mainly on the availability of the latex code, for accessibility.)
    Warning: In some operating systems, issues seem to exist with the conversion of tikz figures to svg: e.g. figures may be incorrectly cropped for the web-page.
    Size of xymatrix figures and tikz-cd figures seemingly then must be adjusted manually.

  • • When using tikz pictures use (note the Alt Text option):

    \begin{figure}\ThisAltText{Alt text to your diagram}


    \begin{center}\ThisAltText{Alt text to your diagram}

    Examples can be found towards the end of this file.

  • • When using tikz-cd use:

        \ThisAltText{ Alt text to your commutative diagram }
           \begin{tikzcd} F(A) \arrow{r}{F(f)}& F(B) \\
           G(A)\arrow{r}[swap]{G(f)} \arrow{u}{\eta_A} & G(B)
  • • It is possible to compile an Xy-pic diagram as a figure with alt text. Use:

    \ThisAltText{Write some alt text here.}
    $$ \xymatrix{ } $$

    Examples can be found towards the end of this file.

  • To select your own .CSS files use:

  • • Avoid good old Tex commands like

    {\bf }, {\it }.

    It seems that lwarp does not deal with them properly. Instead use:

    \textbf{ }, \textit{ }.

    (In fact better to avoid italics altogether for accessibility reasons: use bold.)

  • • Lwarp gives errors messages when compiling Xy-pic diagrams inside

    \begin{equation} \end{equation}

    Use instead:

    \[\xymatrix{} \]
    \[\begin{xy} \xymatrix{} \end{xy}\]

    Or use lwarpmk pdftohtml if there are compilation errors.

  • • Figures created with tikz and xymatrix frequently have issues: e.g. they may be too small (so size needs to be adjusted), or incorrectly cropped. Seems to depend on operating system.